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Preparing for Winter

So tonight, after the office, I’ll be making a Home Depot run. It’s amazing how often I’m there, being a new homeowner. I do think there’ll be a day where my number of visits begins to drop, but man. Not soon, I suspect. Tonight’s run is so that I can pick the brains of some specialists on the nature of insulating and drywalling my garage, so that I can work through the winter.

The other…

Weekend To-Do List

refill acetylene tank
finish Erin’s CX frame
build final fillets for Paul’s frame
finish fillets on Justin’s 26er
email Jamie re: his road frame
add Google +1, Facebook Like, and Tweet This buttons to Gallery items
update existing Gallery Items, add Paul and Justin…


So I’ve been monkeying around with the idea of building a gas-welded (not TIG’ed) aluminum frame. This would be one of those one-off experiments, just to see if it’s viable. I’m pretty sure I’d want to build a dozen or so, just to see if it’s a worthwhile endeavor. (Plus I get the R&D write-off on my taxes, right?) If any framebuilders out there have any commentary, opinions or insights on…

Lunch Break

Chainstay, slotted for dropout.

Proceeding swimmingly on Erin’s CX frame. Beautiful, if somewhat time-consuming, job of slotting the chainstays. (Mental note: in 2012, invest in a slotting saw.) The work you see here was done entirely by-hand, with a knife-blade file, followed by a flat file.

Going to take a quick break and get some lunch in my stomach, and then get back to…

Capping a Seatstay

Finished Seatstay Cap

I got asked how it is I create the fluted ends on my seatstays. I struggled to explain it in a 5-minute, spoken-only venue and struggled a bit. Seeing as just the night before I had photographed the process, I put myself in a position to write this post.

Starting out, I have a pair of seatstays. I find a piece of scrap tubing (you do save your scrap tubes, right?) that will become the caps…

Struggling for a Head Badge

The hardest part of getting my frames to “completion” has been the battle to get a head badge design done. My experience with design is as a web designer, not as a graphic artist. A gap in my skillset (for more on skills you should have see my other blog entry “Becoming a Framebuilder”), to be sure, and one I eventually plan to rectify.

I’m on my second artist now. I won’t go into details…


So everyone’s got a dream bike. Mine is one of my own builds — a stainless 953 front triangle with a carbon back end, ENVE carbon everything (rims, fork, stem, seatpost), and Shimano’s Di2 for the drivertrain package. Tons of little bits from Fairwheel to keep weight down. Someday, I might even have the time to build it and the money to buy it. We’ll see.

What’s your dream bike?

On the Subject of Fat Bikes

By now, those of you that are überbikegeeks (a RealGerman™ word) have heard the rumors of Surly’s Moonlander, a new fatty bike that sports 4.5″ tires. As usual, this rekindles my interest in a fat bike, something that’s been on the brain’s back-burner for the last three or four years — ever since Tom Stroth bought one while we were working together at Penn Cycle. The thing is, I…

Racing Wheelchairs

As you may or may not know, I work at a small local shop in the Twin Cities. Last night, I had my first encounter with a racing wheelchair up-close, as one was brought in for repair. At one point, I had noodled around with the idea of trying to build one, but it was almost immediately back-burnered, simply because I have enough ideas that need to be dealt with.

Now, though, I’m curious.

Little Things of Note

1. I’m taking my first true crack at carving lugs. So far, so good. Roughing the cutouts with a drill and a Dremel, and then going in with the needle files to do the final clean-up.

2. Also building a set of lugs from scratch. Interesting process. Going to allow me to make some really cool designs. I’ll be posting pics in the near future, in addtion to some from #1, above.

3. New…

Current Build Queue

  • Bilaminate Road Frame
  • Fat Bike
  • Adventure Road Bike
  • CX/Gravel Crusher

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