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The Things I'm Thinking About

Struggling for a Head Badge

The hardest part of getting my frames to “completion” has been the battle to get a head badge design done. My experience with design is as a web designer, not as a graphic artist. A gap in my skillset (for more on skills you should have see my other blog entry “Becoming a Framebuilder“), to be sure, and one I eventually plan to rectify.

I’m on my second artist now. I won’t go into details as to why I’ve switched except to say that my vision didn’t match that of the artist, and with both our schedules being crazy busy, I was falling further and further behind the curve. As it is, I won’t have them ready for Minnecycle at the end of the month. He did produce a pretty nifty rough draft of one that’s very art deco, and while I’m not 100% sure I’ll use it as a full-time badge, it might become available as a limited-edition variant:

Possible head badge. Designed by Aaron Smith.

Everyone has something on a bike that jumps out at them at first look. For me, it’s the head badge. (I also struggle with whether to type it as “headbadge” or as two separate words.) So when I commit, it’s got to be just right. I’ve asked Aaron to come up with another design, and given him a little bit of feedback re: styling and so forth. I’m hoping that he can come up with something in the next week or so that I can show at Minnecycle, and have put on bikes by the end of October.

So. I’d love your thoughts on Aaron’s first crack at it, pictured above. What’s the first thing you think when you see it?

There are 8 comments .

Josh Kruck —

Dig! Thats freaking awesome!

Jamie —

I agree the headbadge is very important on a bike. It’s the first thing you see and to me can be an overall representation on the design philosophy and workmanship of the bike.

Alex —

First thing I see is an owl. Looks pretty good!

David —

I love it. The first thing I saw was a shield, then saw the lighting bolt, then realized the owl. If you come up with something better – than great — but otherwise you have a winner with this one.

Bryan —

It carries a bit of Athena’s qualities of strength (in its lines) and wisdom (in the likeness of an owl), which I presume is a significant part of the goal. Not being anything like a graphic artist myself, I wonder if simplifying it a little further helps to convey that strength a little more elegantly. I think the sheild form does a great job of suggesting a cycling pedigree.


Thanks, man. It’s growing on me quite a bit.

Matt —

Very cool – iconic – I’d go for it!


Thanks everyone for your comments! I’ve decided to go with this design. So the next step is to get a ton of these manufactured, get the logotype on the website modified, and some t-shirts printed.

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