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The Things I'm Thinking About

Never Satisfied

If you’ve followed me at all over the past couple of years, you know that I’ve struggled mightily with trying to get a head badge design pulled together that works for me.  My buddy Aaron, of Minneapolis Musette, gave me my first iteration, and while there are people who loved it, it’s never quite clicked with me the way it should.  My second iteration I liked for about a day.  Then I once I realized that a.) it was pretty derivative of a symbol from a popular video game, and b.) the proportions were all screwy, I kind of lost heart and gave up for awhile.

I’m back and playing with the idea again, as you can see above.  Thus far, I like my sketches, but my transfer into Illustrator has me stymied.  I’m good enough with Illustrator, thanks to my time as a font designer, but I’m just not feeling it.

The Hardest Part

Being a small business owner is tough&emdash;you’re required to play numerous roles, always several of them on the same day, and sometimes even several of them in the same hour. For me, this is doubly hard as I’m my own worst critic. The art director in me is hyper-critical of the work I produce, and the CEO in me has a overwhelming drive for efficiency that’s making me want to hurry up and get the damn thing done already. It’s this horrible conflicting jumble of responsibilities, and I need to step back from it a bit.


I’m going to talk to my graphic design homies and see if I can’t work something out. At some point, certain aspects of running this business need to be farmed out to other people so I can not freak out about them and waste time monkeying around. Especially when there are aspects of it where I know people more talented than I am.

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