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One-Day Sale

On Friday, Dec. 7th, 2012, only I’m having a one-day sale.

Take $125 off the cost of your new custom frameset!

Get 10% off a parts group, when purchased with your frameset!

Custom forks as a standalone purchase for $200 (does not include segmented forks).

Custom racks as a standalone purchase for $175.

Deposit must be placed on December 7th, 2012. The offers described abov…

Why the Name?

So I’ve often been asked why I chose the name I did for this little company of mine, and well, it comes from a few sources. None of it is my ethnicity (that’s Swiss, Dutch and English).

First and foremost, I was always of a mindset that if I had a daughter, I’d name her Athena. It’s a name I like, but my wife didn’t. (We had veto powers on names.) So be it. I was trying to name t…

Workshop Problems


o the workshop, she’s finished. Which means that (mostly) everything is put away and organized and thoughtfully located. However, it also means that I can’t find shit, as evidenced by the photo above. It happens.

I’m pretty sure that was the case, anyway. The picture was taken during part of a timelapse while I worked on getting the final organization done and then started in on som…

What’s Up?

Coming Soon

Things are crazy around here — the garage remodel/overhaul took longer than planned. But we’re getting back to it — this weekend every free moment I have will be applied to getting back ahead of the curve on the production schedule. Which is, y’know, awesomesauce.

So in addition to some fast fabrication work, I’ll also be doing the following:
ordering some stuffinstalling som…

Convert to Disc Brakes

o maybe you’ve got a slightly older Surly, a classic mountain bike, or a touring bike that you’d like to convert to disc brakes — either hydraulic or mechanical. Well, if it’s steel, we can do it, and for a reasonable price.

And if you’re a Twin Cities resident, you can even hang out and watch the magic happen. Because we love you.

What We Do

We take your bike, and using the highest…

Not Quite There Yet

My In-Progress Workshop Space

bviously, I’m not quite there yet. I slogged through Sunday in a lot of pain (lower back, primarily, but also shoulders and forearms) — but managed to finish priming and painting the walls, finish building the first workbench, and got about halfway through the second. I’ve been debating holding off on the third bench until I actually have the benchtop mill, but I’m debating…

Man-Cave, Part One

So last year, when Kate and I decided to take advantage of the down market and buy a house, I had two things I wanted: an open floorplan (which is not germane to this blog post), and a three-car garage (which is). The plan was to use the third bay as a spot for Pallas Athena to really kick off and grow. As it happens, I’ve absorbed about 1.5 bays (and I park my car in the driveway), and had…

Shit’s About to Get Real

o yeah, the big news right now isn’t the painful crash I had last weekend while riding in Minnesota’s Scenic State Park (what an uninspiring name) — the big news is that I have a LOT of stuff to do in the coming 1-2 weeks, as I’ve finally gotten some serious funding for the biz.

Got orders going in to Anvil, Enco, Nova, and Alex Meade. Got to hit up the local steel supply place for a…

A Little Last-Minute

As many of you know, I’ve been working on bootstrapping this business with a minimum of cash. However, now I can qualify for a $250K grant from Chase/LivingSocial. What I need right now is votes — 250 of them by June 30th. Yes, that’s tomorrow. If you could pay them a visit, search for “Pallas Athena” and give me a vote, that would go a long way toward springboarding this business into…

Anxiety, More

Sent a frame halfway around the world last Saturday, and it’s due to arrive today, in Singapore. My anxiety has been raging out of control — what if it’s damaged during shipping? What if there was a miscommunication with me and the client and I botched something? OH GOD THE ANXIETY. Seriously, it’s pretty bad. My stomach has been churning all morning.

In other news, I’m ordering up som…

Current Build Queue

  • Bilaminate Road Frame
  • Fat Bike
  • Adventure Road Bike
  • CX/Gravel Crusher

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