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Not Dead!

So it’s been a pretty rough last few months at Pallas Athena. With the new house, and a new kid (and associated 35-day NICU stay), and a new full-time job, I’ve been spread pretty thin. And when I haven’t been, I’ve been waylaid by illness and/or a crippling back injury. Resuming therapy (not physical, the mental stuff) has been really helpful, and I feel like I’m getting back on…

On the Move…

Been riding more, and been helping a small bike brand here in the Twin Cities do some marketing work. The company specializes in stock, hardtail carbon 29ers. I’ll probably talk about them on here a bit in the future.

On the actual Pallas Athena side of the house, I’ve been working on my marketing stuff, building some frames, and looking into the possibility of running a Kickstarter to rais…

Marketing, More

The cool part about having to have a full-time job in addition to the framebuilding is that I work in a field that’s incredibly useful for the framebuilding biz. I’m in interactive marketing, so I’ve got the knowledge and ability (if not the time) to really get the word out there. So, I’m actually in the process of coming up with a formal, low-/zero-cost marketing plan for the business to put…

In Defense of Peacock Groove and Erik Noren

Erik Noren, Curmudgeon

I consider Erik Noren of Peacock Groove a friend. While we differ in our tastes in media, our aesthetic in bike design, height, weight, dress, etc., we both share a love for bikes, and we both have a bit of geek in us, and that’s enough. Erik’s gone out of his way to help me a few times, and I’ve got his back if he needs anything.

Over the years, usually right after NAHBS, when his bikes ar…

NAHBS Coverage

Or lack thereof! Another year passes where I’m not headed to NAHBS, and that’s okay. This year, it’s totally understandable — Eddy is home, and even if I’d had a spot registered at the show, I wouldn’t be going. Right now, I’m at a stage where I want to get ahead of the curve on my work queue, and then start thinking about growing the business a bit. Maybe next year for NAHBS, huh?


A Few More Things

1. One of these days, I plan to get back to doing an email newsletter. I’ll probably send it out in the next couple of weeks, actually.

2. I’m working on what we in the marketing industry refer to as a “whitepaper.” It’ll be a freely downloadable guide on how to purchase a custom bike. Basically a primer on what you need to know and what to expect out of the experience. I’m not using it to…

New Employee

He was so eager to start work that Edwin Cooper Bailey joined the world eight weeks early, on Friday, January 13th, 2012. Four pounds, twelve ounces and 18 inches long. A score of 8 on his Apgars test. Excellent prognosis. He just has to spend several weeks in t…

Been Awhile, Huh?

So it’s been a considerable length of time since my last blog post here. Shame on me!

With the baby on the way (due in early March), my time has been chewed up with house preparations and such, and as a result, I haven’t had much torch time, never mind the time to crank out a blog post here. I even decided to make the email newsletter a bi-monthly thing, and the January/February edition w…

2011 Email Newsletter Archive


Minnecycle Reminder

Black Friday Acquisitions

Husky Roll-Away Tool Chests

So last Friday, I did the unthinkable. I ventured forth and did some Black Friday shopping. God help me. During Thanksgiving Day at my mom’s place, I happened upon the Home Depot ads, which showed a 26-inch, 9-drawer roll-away tool chest for $149. The store opened at 5 a.m., so I got up at four, got my shit together and rolled over to the Shakopee location. I was around 20th in line when t…

Current Build Queue

  • Bilaminate Road Frame
  • Fat Bike
  • Adventure Road Bike
  • CX/Gravel Crusher

Email Newsletter

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