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The Things I'm Thinking About

Goodbye 2012

Well, let’s chalk another year up in the record books. 2012 A.D. was a crazy year — in addition to the framebuilding business, I also became a new dad (for the first time), started a new office job, turned 40, and really started building up Pallas Athena.

It was a year that wasn’t without issues, but it’s one I’ll look back on fondly. So there’s people that need to be thanked for all of this.

First, the people who have supported me — whether you commented in the blog, liked me over on Facebook, or just left positive feedback for me somewhere on the net. It really made my year to see my email list growing, my Facebook followers growing beyond my immediate circle of friends and family, and it kept me going even when things were tough.

Secondly, my close compadres in the Minneapolis framebuilding community — Josh, Alex, and Erik — I couldn’t have done it without you guys. Always there with an answer, a loan of equipment, or a quick chat with a beer and some laughs. I love you guys.

Lastly, and most importantly, to my wife, Kate. Her support and encouragement have meant a lot — and that she pushes me toward this endeavor even when we’re working on raising an infant, keeping house, and all the other things that come with adult life, makes it even more incredible. Thank you, honey, for believing in me, and for pushing me to be the best at all the things I do.



It’s going to be a good year. I won’t be doing NAHBS, but I will be building bikes, and I’ve got some great plans afoot. It’s possible I might not accomplish all of this, but I’m certainly going to try:

  1. Doing two shows, one of which will be Minnecycle. Haven’t decided on the second.
  2. Learning how to paint bikes.
  3. Finishing off the garage updates so that next winter is a little more tolerable.
  4. More marketing, including expanding my geographic reach.
  5. Some website improvements.

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Current Build Queue

  • 26er Hardtail
  • Lugged Road Frame
  • Clydesdale Road Frame
  • Bilaminate Road Frame
  • Fat Bike (AGRS Winner)
  • Personal Project


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