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The Things I'm Thinking About

Roubaix Redux

I’m somewhat late to the party in posting this — life got in the way of timeliness, what with the full-time job hunt and the new baby and such.

With all the hubbub regarding Specialized’s lawsuit against Cafe Roubiax, I’ve noticed that people are generally willing to raise a shitstorm when someone (in this case, Specialized) does wrong, but are unwilling to come forward and say something positive when Mike Sinyard comes forward and offers a highly equitable solution.

I am saying something because I believe that positive behavior should be recognized and reinforced with positive feedback. Sinyard deserves kudos for taking the actions he did — a lot of CEOs these days would just bury their head in the sand and let the lawyers do their thing.

Thus, I am retracting my boycott of Specialized stuff. I don’t see any need to buy one of their bikes, personally, but some of their gear is quite nice and I will avail myself of that, situation and finances permitting, of course.

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