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The Things I'm Thinking About

Fixture Upgrades

My Bringheli fixture came into my hands at a time when I desperately needed it, thanks to a generous guy whole only asked for a frameset in return. As time has gone on, I’ve come to realize the limitations of the fixture, and while it’s made me lust after an Anvil Journeyman 3.1, I simply don’t have the money at the moment to purchase one.

Rear Axle Truck

One of my big pain points is the rear axle setup. The Bringheli came with a single rear axle, and it wasn’t “keyed”, so there’s no way to ensure that the dropout slots were in-phase with each other. Todd Farr has a beautiful solution available for purchase, which is pictured above. It’s a genius piece of work, and he and have been thinking along the same lines — it’s very similar to what I’ve had planned for some time. Later this spring I plan to sit down with some raw materials and fabricate one.


If you look at pictures of the Bringheli, you’ll notice that there’s no measurement markers on the structure anywhere. I’m on the verge of ordering up a bunch of adhesive metric rulers, and an engraving bit for the Dremel so I can mark seat tube angles. Dave Anderson has some great stuff on how to get all this done.

Head Tube Structure

Setting the head tube location on the Bringheli has always been a bit of a chore. I’ve been studying the system used on the Anvil, and I think I have a pretty good idea of how to solve the solution. Again, this will be some fabrication work on the mill, but I think it’s a reasonably-solvable problem.

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